Globetrekker, Part 3 We Are Making History - FamilyTreeDNA Blog

Globetrekker, Part 3: We Are Making History

The third part of the Globetrekker series reveals parallels in ancient history and DNA migrations.

Globetrekker, Part 2 Advancing the Science of Phylogeography

Globetrekker, Part 2: Advancing the Science of Phylogeography

The second part of the Globetrekker series, focuses on how phylogeography was incorporated into the new Discover tool.

Globetrekker, Part 1: A New FamilyTreeDNA Discover™ Report That Puts Big Y on the Map

How did your paternal line ancestors trek across the globe? Find out with Globetrekker, a new FamilyTreeDNA Discover report for Big Y test users.

Unveiling New FamilyTreeDNA Discover™ Features: Explore Your Haplogroup History with Personalized Reports

Discover the latest enhancements in FamilyTreeDNA's Discover™ platform! Uncover your ancestral history with personalized reports, new Y-DNA haplogroup features, and exciting updates. Explore your heritage and connections with ease.