What One Tester Learned About Daniel Boone Through DNA Testing

Uncover Boone Day, honoring Daniel Boone's journey, the Portwood connection, and DNA revelations, tracing Katy’s 6th great-grandfather's role at Fort Boonesborough.

The Importance of Intergenerational Relationships by Jeremy Balkin - FamilyTreeDNA Blog

Reflecting on the Importance of Intergenerational Relationships

Join Jeremy Balkin as he shares his view on bridging the generation gap and fostering meaningful relationships with older family members.

GAP Guest Blog - The O'Shea Y-DNA Project and 20 Years of Genetic Genealogy

Group Projects for Irish Ancestry: How DNA Testing and Collaboration Have Benefited Family History Research

Learn how DNA testing and Group Projects have transformed Irish genealogy research with Margaret O’Shea-Jordan.

That Holiday Feeling

The Winter holidays, for me, seem like the only time of year when everything feels different. When I feel that cool air, I also sense the nostalgia of winters past.

A Single Story

Genetic genealogy is still a brand new thing. We are all unknowingly mapping out a singular story for all of us.

Tips for Giving Thanks

This year, if you find yourself at an awkward Thanksgiving Dinner, it can be helpful to understand how family/friends/loved ones are all connected to you. Family is often about fitting into a complex puzzle, and our differences are more reason to connect even more.

Jeff’s FamilyTreeDNA Story

Jeff and his brother both decided to take a DNA test, and that's when Jeff's FamilyTreeDNA story begins to reveal some surprises.

Ivy’s FamilyTreeDNA Story

When Ivy was 20 years old, her mother told her that she was conceived through a hospital-run sperm donor program in New York.

Sandy’s FamilyTreeDNA Story

Sandy and Joe welcomed a new son into their lives. He was 30 years old and discovered through FamilyTreeDNA that Joe was the father he'd been searching for.

Juliet’s FamilyTreeDNA Story

Juliet grew up not knowing anything about her heritage. All she knew was that she was Caucasian.