The Role of DNA in Reuniting Families

The Role of DNA in Reuniting Families

Hear from 325Kamra about how they use DNA to reunite Korean families separated by adoption and how you can help.

13 Steps to Find Your Native American Ancestors Blog Cover

13 Steps To Help Find Your Native American Ancestors

Learn how testing your DNA can help you determine who in your family has Native American ancestry.

Genes and Screams: Spooky Tales from the Hallotree | Chapter 3

Do you feel the power of the moonlight? Does it sound like fun to dance in the forest? You might be related to a witch.

Unveiling the Power of Big Y-700: Unraveling the Journey and Advantages

Take a look at the origins of the Big Y-700 test and its emergence as the world's most comprehensive Y-DNA test.

Genes and Screams: Spooky Tales from the Hallotree | Chapter 2: Vampires

Garlic and holy water may have kept people safe when a vampire was near, but how do you keep safe when one appears in your family tree?

Ancient Britain - Two New Archaeogenetics Papers Dig Deeper into British Prehistory

Two New Archaeogenetics Papers Dig Deeper into British Prehistory

The Prehistoric Age in Britain is explored with two new papers published about ancient DNA in the British Isles.

Genes and Screams: Tales from the Hallotree | Chapter 1: Mummies

Take a look at real mummies and how they influence our genetics and spooky traditions as part of our Halloween series, Genes and Screams.

Indigenous Peoples’ Day 2022: Origins and Celebrations

Celebrations for Indigenous Peoples' Day are relatively new, but the holiday's history dates back centuries.

Hispanic Genetics: What are the origins and trends?

Hispanic Genetics: What Are the Origins and Trends?

A look at the history and origins of Hispanic genetics and other resources for those with Hispanic ancestry who are looking to learn more.

September 2022 in Review

September 2022 in Review

We were able to add over 1,000 branches to the Y-DNA Haplotree in September across all haplogroups.