How Does FamilyTreeDNA Ensure the Security of My DNA Samples

How Does FamilyTreeDNA Ensure the Security of My DNA Samples? [FAQ]

Learn how FamilyTreeDNA safeguards your DNA samples, the importance of your privacy, and the control you have over your own genetic material.

how to change your familytreedna order - featured image

How to Change Your FamilyTreeDNA Order [FAQ]

Need to change your order? Learn what to do if you ordered a test on the wrong account, shipped a test to the wrong address, or ordered a new test that was supposed to be an upgrade.

FAQ I Need Help Accessing My Kit - FamilyTreeDNA Blog

FAQ: I Need Help Accessing My Kit

Facing FamilyTreeDNA access issues? Get the assistance you need to regain control of your kit and data.

FAQ Do I Need To Swab Again if I Upgrade My DNA Test - FamilyTreeDNA Blog

FAQ: Do I Need To Swab Again if I Upgrade My DNA Test?

You probably don't need to swab again, but if you do, make sure you're taking the right steps before upgrading your DNA test.