Haplogroup C, a Hidden Paternal American Lineage That Beat the Odds and Survived

Haplogroup C, a Hidden Paternal American Lineage That Beat the Odds and Survived

Explore the intriguing survival of haplogroup C, one of the world’s oldest Y-chromosome lineages.

What’s New in Ancient DNA and Ancient Discover Connections-Featured Image

What’s New in Ancient DNA and Ancient Discover™ Connections

Read about the latest in ancient DNA research with new insights from Mayan, Neolithic, and Late Roman periods, integrated into FamilyTreeDNA Discover.

Old as Dirt Four Dating Methods Used to Assign Ages to Ancient DNA - FamilyTreeDNA Blog

Old as Dirt: Four Dating Methods Used For Ancient DNA

Jim Brewster provides an overview of how dating methods work for ancient DNA samples, and what that information means for genetic genealogy.

Globetrekker, Part 3 We Are Making History - FamilyTreeDNA Blog

Globetrekker, Part 3: We Are Making History

The third part of the Globetrekker series reveals parallels in ancient history and DNA migrations.

Unveiling the Genetic Secrets of the Caribbean Exploring Ancient DNA and Migration History - FamilyTreeDNA Blog

Unveiling the Genetic Secrets of the Caribbean: Exploring Ancient DNA and Migration History

Explore the Caribbean's genetic past with ancient DNA studies that unveil settlement patterns and ancestral contributions, shaping the region's rich heritage.

New Discoveries in Ancient DNA: Xiongnu, Iberia, and Deer Tooth?

Explore the latest research on ancient DNA from the Xiongnu Empire, Paleolithic Iberia, and a Central Asian deer tooth. Discover the diversity of these lineages and how they fit into your genealogical research through FamilyTreeDNA's Discover™ tool.

Historical Events Give Life to Your Ancient Connections Cover

The New “Events” Mini Feature in Discover

Explore the newest mini feature in Discover. Events brings context to the ancient connections on your Y-DNA line.

With Ötzi, That's 5,000!

FamilyTreeDNA Has Added 5,000 Ancient Connections to Our Database

With 5,000 ancient connections within our database, we are able to track ancient haplogroup migrations.

African Ancient DNA

What Can You Learn About Your Own Life From African Ancient DNA?

Learn more about where we all originate from, Africa, in this piece from Miguel Vilar in honor of Black History Month.

Ancient DNA Samples from Scandinavia Blog Cover (2)

How Do You Compare to New Ancient DNA From Scandinavia?

Are you connected to the samples from the new study out of Scandinavia? Take a look at each sample and discover for yourself.