Interpreting Your Recent and Ancient Origin Results

Learn how to interpret your myOrigins and ancientOrigins test results. Discover how to understand populations and ethnicity breakdowns and apply findings to your genealogy.

Why Did My Y-DNA Haplogroup Change

Why Did My Y-DNA Haplogroup Change?

Wondering why your haplogroup changed? Learn how new discoveries and test methods can impact your Y-DNA haplogroup assignment.

Interpreting Y-DNA Test Results: Y-DNA Matches Featured Image

Interpreting Y-DNA Test Results: Y-DNA Matches

Learn how to interpret your Y-DNA test results, explore Y-DNA matches, genetic distances, and how to use them to trace your paternal ancestry.

How Does FamilyTreeDNA Ensure the Security of My DNA Samples

How Does FamilyTreeDNA Ensure the Security of My DNA Samples? [FAQ]

Learn how FamilyTreeDNA safeguards your DNA samples, the importance of your privacy, and the control you have over your own genetic material.

Using mtDNA for Genealogical Research - Featured Image

Using mtDNA for Genealogical Research

Learn how mtDNA can connect you to maternal ancestors when records fall short and how to combine it with traditional research and other DNA tests for powerful results.

Interpreting Your Family Finder Test Results - Featured Image

Interpreting Your Family Finder Test Results

Learn how to interpret your Family Finder test results. Discover how to understand autosomal DNA matches and apply findings to your genealogy.

Introducing the Match Time Tree, the Latest Discover Genealogy Report

Introducing the Match Time Tree, the Latest Discover™ Genealogy Report

Learn about the new Match Time Tree report in Discover™ for FamilyTreeDNA Big Y-700 customers.

Haplogroup C, a Hidden Paternal American Lineage That Beat the Odds and Survived

Haplogroup C, a Hidden Paternal American Lineage That Beat the Odds and Survived

Explore the intriguing survival of haplogroup C, one of the world’s oldest Y-chromosome lineages.

Resilient Trailblazers: Honoring the Courage and Perseverance of LDS Pioneers

Jim Brewster and Courtney Eberhard take a look at LDS Pioneers and share Y-DNA connections from early LDS church leaders.

Interpreting mtDNA Test Results - Featured Image

Interpreting mtDNA Test Results

Read part three of our mtDNA series. Learn about the significance of mtDNA haplogroups and how your mtDNA test results can help you trace your maternal ancestry back to Mitochondrial Eve.